Introduction to Dream Central!

Thank you for visiting Dream Central! At this site, our goal is to help you understand the
dreaming process. Not only do we provide extensive information on analyzing your dreams,
we also strive to explain what dreams really are, and how they can be used to help
yourself or others. Also you will find out how to induce (make them happen) dreams and
remember them.
We want to provide you with ALL the information you could possibly hope for on the subject of dreaming! Our online dictionary contains hundreds of words and is in a constant state of growth. As some of you are familiar with my work as founder and operator of Astrology Online, the leading Astrology site on the internet, You should expect nothing short of the finest information, research and dedication that you have come to expect from my work on the web.
My name is Michael. Though I detest people that blow their own horn, I feel you need to know a little about me since you are coming to this site for information. So here goes. I have years of study and love of the subject of dreaming. It was not only my fascination with the subject that drove me, but more the many startling dreams I had as a child that compelled me to look for answers.
Many a night I would go over my "dream logs" that I kept by the bed and ponder their meaning. Endless study and countless books later, I got really good at interpreting dreams. I humbly consider myself now a Master dream interpreter, having clearly and precisely analyzed dreams for friends and relatives most all my life. So, even though I may not have a PHD attached to the end of my name, I do think you will find this information very accurate and well thought out. (I hope :)
This site is a kind of release for me, a way to pursue a topic that we both truly love and
enjoy. And it is a gift of sharing to you. I know some of you will probably be amazed that
all this information at this site is totally free.
We thank you so much for your visit and hope you enjoy this site.